Even tussendoor…

Dinsdag 22-02-2022

A regular Tuesday?

In Holland they lift most of the restrictions due to elections. Today they probable extend a horrible ‘temporary’ law so that after elections they still can go on with measures that undermine our constitution. In the meantime they start a war in our backyard.
Most of the people are stunned/tired/fed up because of the last two years and they don’t seem to care and media just go on telling only the agenda of politicians and that is for sure because our prime minister Mark Rutte was on the television yesterday. Instead of talking about this covid-law and the warmongering situation he talked about elections and his new smartphone. 
Meanwhile the young cats in my house play not with the shitload of toys I bought for them; a teaspoon is more interesting 🤔.

© Annemarie Kruit

© 2020 | Annemarie Kruit

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